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Why you should not be removing an Asbestos Roof by Yourself

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Before you think of carrying out any form of roof renovation in your home and will be removing an old one made from asbestos, you should definitely in your best interests, seriously consider hiring a licensed and certified professional, to do the job for you. It’s understandable if you was to think that asbestos is no longer found in any Australian homes, but should your home have been constructed before 1990, you should think about the health consequences. After all, numerous news articles, from decades back sounded the warning bells about the cancer-causing material, which affected many people and if not dealt with by professionals, still does.

Asbestos Usage

Asbestos was used for quite some time, and from the 1950s until the 1980s, asbestos was a major building material, because of its rot and flame-resistant properties, strength, cheapness and ease of use. It was flexible and used for roofs, fences, walls and floor tiles to piping and ceilings of many homes.

Itwasn’t until the early 1970s that the perils of asbestos were being understood and a decade later that it was finally banned. By itself, asbestos will pose no danger, but if the fibres become airborne, be it from removal, renovations, fire, a natural disaster or some other circumstance, the fibres can become brittle, flake off and then inhaled. Anybody around that immediate vicinity will be at risk of inhaling the toxic fibres, not just those nearby.

Hiring Experts to Get the Job Done Professionally

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General contractors may offer some advice, such as not to worry too much about testing for asbestos. They may say that the expense and trouble involved in hiring a professional roofer in Perth, to put up plastic barriers and other safety measures to expertly remove it, may seem like a hassle and this can make some people indifferent about any health risks involved.

But think about this: Inhaling only miniscule amounts of toxic asbestos can kindle health problems that may not exhibit themselves until years later. If the correct and professional procedures aren’t carried out, disturbing this kind of material during roof renovations can release large amounts of asbestos into the air, in and around the home and the local environment. If you are seriously concerned about the long-term health effects to loved ones, people hired for the job and neighbours, it really is well worth the cost to get the job done safely and correctly, not to mention having a clean conscience.

Asbestos Roof Removal and a Nice New Beautiful Roof!

It is a definite must and vital requirement that asbestos testing and removal needs to be done by experienced and seasoned professionals with specialised training. And what’s more is if the company doing the job happens also to be a new roofing company also! That way you can get two jobs done at the very same time!

Make sure to contact a professional, trustworthy and experienced company in Perth, and there will be no regrets in getting the job done just perfect!